Our Services

What We Do

Recruitment & Selection

We take the burden of recruitment off our Clients and deliver a topnotch professional service. We provide best fit and skillful talents at all levels (Entry Level, Mid-Level, Senior Level and Executive Level). We have reliable talent pool and networks to provide the talents that are competent, cultural fit and result driven.

Organisational Structure Development

We assist in the development of Organisational Structure which defines how activities such as task allocation, coordination, and supervision are directed toward the achievement of organizational aims. This frame-work assists and fosters business continuity.


We provide Outsourcing services and ease you burden of Human Capital Management. We offer complete outsourcing of Human Capital Management. This includes recruitment, onboarding and Induction, Compensation and Benefits management.

Performance Management

We provide a frame work where employees’ performance can be evaluated and managed for maximum optimization. From the Development of the Performance frame work to developing appraisal forms, appraisal process and setting of SMART KPIs.

HR Support Consultancy

We offer flexible advice and support on employment law and HR issues. We provide advice for today’s employers that face series of human resource issues, productivity issues, statutory and regulations, competitive compensation and benefits amongst others. Our consultancy services are very diverse and are adapted according to the specific needs of our Client.

HR Structure

We provide Outsourcing services and ease you burden of Human Capital Management. We offer complete outsourcing of Human Capital Management. This includes recruitment, onboarding and Induction, Compensation and Benefits management.
1. Process and Procedure development
2. Policies Development
3. Salary Structure
4. Staff Handbook/Manual
5. Performance Management Framework
6. Job Descriptions and KPI
7. Grade Structure
8. Organisational Structure
9. HR forms and Other Documentation

Compensation & Benefits

Compensation and Benefits is one of the drivers of Employee motivation and the Organisational attractiveness to top talent. We support Organisations in developing a well-structured total rewards system which delivers competitive advantage and employee engagement. These include:
1. Salary Structure
2. Staff Grade Level
3. Staff Benefits Structure

Career Coaching

Our Career Coaching helps individuals to find a fulfilling career that utilizes their strengths and complements their values and interests. Are you a recent graduate, individual stuck in your career, adult considering a career change, or individual re-entering the workforce? Or are you an individual that needs clarity on your career path? We are here to help you get clarity on these areas and assist you in finding greater fulfillment in your career by establishing professional goals, creating a plan and overcoming obstacles that may be in the way.

Let’s Get Started

Work with us today
11 Oriola Street, Alapere, Ketu, Lagos, Nigeria
+234 802 7401 220

About Us

Peridot Forte is a Human Resource Consulting Company that specialise in providing Human Resource business value to Organisations. Peridot Forte was birthed out of the passion to assist and help organisation to create a structure and frame work for their businesses thereby achieving high rate of Organisational performance, profit and business continuity.
